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Hoof And Hay

Performance Balancer

Performance Balancer

Regular price £34.99
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Performance Balancer is formulated to provide high specification nutrition for all kinds of working and performance horses, without the calories associated with a traditional mix or cube.

The high specification formula includes eessential amino acids, from Bioplex chelated minerals and Sel-Plex organic selenium ensure optimum absorption and utilisation of these vital nutrients by the horse’s body.

For horses who receive no hard feed, Performance Balancer can be fed as the sole concentrate to provide all the essential nutrients they need, alongside forage, whilst those on straights, like oats, reduced amounts of hard feed or lower energy feeds, can also have nutrients topped up to optimum levels.

Ensuring a fully balanced diet in this way is essential to maintain muscle and top line, as well as internal nutrient reserves (not fat) and so support the bodys ability to recover from exertion and return to work or competition.

Performance Balancer is also ideal fed alongside non-cereal energy sources for horses whose starch intake needs limiting.

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